Amanda Cruickshank – Wincanton

Company: Wincanton

Role: Head of People, Group Operations & Transport

People are what make the logistics world turn, so the professionals who look after them, drive their progress and ensure their work is successful and fulfilling have a particularly relevant place in the industry.

Amanda’s role as Head of People in Group Operations & Transport at Wincanton is exactly that kind of role.

‘I contribute to the leadership, strategy and direction of the sector – supporting Directors and senior leaders in functional areas, whilst supporting a culture of high performance and continuous improvement.’

Though Amanda’s role now feels like such a perfect fit, logistics wasn’t always on her radar.

‘I don’t think I realised I was suited to a role in logistics until I worked in logistics! But I previously worked for one of the big food retailers in a number of operational and leadership roles, so on reflection this was a great foundation.’

Transferable skills have made all the difference, then, as has her ambition and passion for people.

‘The best thing about my role is genuinely the people I get to work alongside! My peers, my people team, the operational teams or our colleagues in the centre.’