Rawa Serwan – Indurent

Company: Indurent

Role: Rotational Logistics Graduate

After they found his details on LinkedIn, the recruitment team at Indurent contacted Rawa directly to apply for his position. The rotational aspect of the role, with a chance to get a taste for each department really appealed to him, along with the opportunity to study for his Masters whilst on the job.

Rawa thrives on the diversity of life as a graduate in logistics, with responsibilities that range from working on investments and transactions, and dealing with the underwriters for new acquisitions, all the way to getting out on-site to meet and greet customers, and carrying out inspections.

“I’ve enjoyed being involved in challenging projects from Day One, and being trusted with a great deal of responsibility.”

Rawa has relished the opportunity to undertake development appraisals, assessing the development potential of smaller sites and considering their planning prospects and development costs. Coming up with a potential masterplan and development strategy is a task which offers him satisfaction and fulfilment in his work. 

Some of Rawa’s highlights since entering the industry have been the opportunities he’s had to visit logistics sites across the UK, getting to grips with operations in the exciting, fast-moving world of logistics, before going home and applying the skills and practices he’s seen in action to his own work.

Earlier this year, he had the chance to visit East Midlands Gateway with Generation Logistics, where he was given a tour of DHL’s new unit: 

“As someone who works in the development side of things, it was really interesting to see the automated pallet operations in such a huge unit, and to understand how occupiers make use of their space.”